Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Countdown to New Year's 2015: ...10...Catch Up On Reading

As a part of a new feature here on the blog, I'd like to take some time reflecting back on 2014, and all the great things that inspired, delighted, and challenged me as a reader and a writer. Therefore, it will likely come as no surprise that my book-themed "Countdown to 2015" is riddled with books, authors, and treats for the avid reader and author aficionado alike.

Without further ado, let's begin with our countdown at #10:

Catch Up Reading All the Books Written By Authors You Love. This is an easy, no-brainer. Begin by making a short list (this can occur in your brain if you like, no need to be literal here) of authors you love, whoever that is for you that springs readily to mind, and go find out if you've read EVERY book they've ever published. If you haven't, now's the perfect time to catch up on your reading, and enjoy treating yourself as a way to finish out 2014. Plus, if you're like me, you're trying to finish out that reading goal for 2014, and you might (ahem) be one or 3 books behind schedule. Here's an easy way to achieve that 2014 goal, check another item off on your 2014 To Do List, and begin fresh for 2015 ready to raise that reading goal by 5 or 10 more books than you read in 2014. Who's with me?

Just to make this fun, answer any and all of the below questions in the comments. Who knows, you might mention one or two I'd like to add to my To Be Read pile, and vice versa. Let's see what everyone's reading:

1. What book did you just finish reading?
2. What book are you determined to read before the end of 2014?
3. What book(s) did you specifically ask for on your Christmas list?
4. What book(s) will you buy immediately if you get a gift card for Christmas?
5. What are your top must read books of 2015?

Thanks for sharing and happy reading!

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